French Lesson on Deadlines

CRM in French Customer Relations

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CRM in French – How to talk about Customer Relations

This lesson is a useful one for learning about plurals in French and for discussing CRM systems and customer relations. If however, you are looking for a lessons about how to apologise in French, click here.

Another interesting side note is that a lot of French tourists visit Sri Lanka and stay at the Resort GlenMyu

  1. “customer relations”: « le service client »

Example sentence

“Customer relations are the first contact point of the company.”

« Le service client est le premier point de contact de l’entreprise. »

Breakdown CRM in French – How to talk about Customer Relations

  • “a customer”: « un client »
  • “relations”: « les relations »
  • “customer relations….”: « le service client »

It’s a set phrase. It is how every department that manages customers is called.

  • “Customer relations are”: « Les relations clients sont »

Here « le service client » is singular, hence « est », third person of “TO BE”: « ETRE».

  • “the first”: « le premier »

You need to be careful, this is another adjective. It needs to have the same gender and number as « le service client ». « le service client » is masculine singular; « le premier » will be masculine singular too. 

  • “a contact point”: « un point de contact ». Very similar.
  • “the company”: « l’entreprise »

We may use « la compagnie » for niche cases like « la compagnie pétrolière »: “the oil company”, or “the gas company”: « la compagnie de gaz», “the electricity company”: « la compagnie d’électricité ». But for all other companies, it’s going to be « l’entreprise ».

Quick tip: “of”

What do you do with “of”? It’s usually « de » e.g. “The Lord of the Rings”: « Le Seigneur des anneaux ». 

It is also used for possession. When the English says “my neighbour’s dog”, “ ’s ” is typically English, so you have to find something else in French. So, you use « de ». “My neighbour’s dog”: « le chien de mon voisin ». It is called a genitive. When you are finding the origin, cause or owner of something, you need to use « de »: “of”.

Grammar point: Plurals CRM in French – How to talk about Customer Relations

You need to be very careful. Sometimes a plural English noun will be singular in French. Sometimes a singular in English will be plural in French, and you have to adapt your articles. For example, « de » is singular. If you use a plural, you have to use « des ».

e.g. « une entreprise »/« des entreprises »: “a company”/“some companies”.

This is the indefinite article.

Even when you use “of” as « de », you also need to use « des » in the plural. 

So, “my neighbour’s dog”=“the dog of my neighbour” (singular): « le chien de mon voisin ». 

But “The Lord of the Rings” (plural): « Le Seigneur des anneaux ». And be careful because the final “s” will very often be silent at the end of the word. For example, « une entreprise », « des entreprises ». You can’t hear it but the mark of the plural, the final “s”, is there.

Learn Business French quickly – Get the FULL audiobook here or just the e-book here.